MWLLO Arabic Supplementary School

About This Initiative
MWLLO Arabic Supplementary School started in 1996 to provide basic Arabic language classes for the children in the surronding. Since than it has evolved and hundreds has learned and benefited from this project. The classes are conducted only on Saturday and Sunday in the morning session.
If you live around Goodge street and would like to teach your children Arabic, Quran and Islamic Education, please give us a visit.
More About the Project
The minimum age of any prospective student shall be five years old.
Tuition fees payable for each term, for each first student, shall be £110; for the second student shall be £100.
Payment should be made in full and in advance for the whole term.
Children are expected to be at the school at 9.55.
The school day starts at 10.00 a.m. and ends at2:30p.m.


The Begining of the Journey
Muslim World League London Office
46 Goodge Street,
London, W1T 4LU,
United Kingdom
020 7636 7568
Get In Touch
Is the Mosque open every day?
Yes, the mosque is open everyday during the five prayer times
What is the office hour?
Office hour is from 10 am to 5pm during the weekdays only.
How many Jummah Prayers do you have?
We have only one Jummah prayer and it is during 1 to 2 pm. Please see the home page
Do you have Women prayer room?
Yes, we have women prayer room in the ground floor near the entrance. We also have separte women toilet and wudo room in the basement.
Do you have Arabic and Quran classes?
Yes, the mosque have various programs all around the week.
We have speacial Arabic and Quran teaching class for children in the weekend.
For more information please email or contact Mr. Fathi for this regard.